More than about tractors and trailers, Heisterkamp is about people. People do business. Heisterkamp has almost 1500 employees in 2021.
Heisterkamp has a personnel policy based on trust. Knowledge of the transport world is great but more importantly, is a mutual good feeling. Pleasure in the work and opportunities for development and growth ensure a pleasant working environment. In the organization at Heisterkamp, the responsibilities lie low and expectations are clear.

Employees have their say

Typically you work for a family business, but you are given the freedom and responsibility to operate as an entrepreneur. In addition, it is great to celebrate successes, such as the 4.000th trailer and a new branch, with the whole team.

In 2015 I became the first employee of Heisterkamp Romania. I am happy that I got the opportunity to develop as a branch manager. My work requires flexibility, adaptability and setting priorities.

I once had a driver on the phone who complained that he had to wait too long when loading apples. I had a chat with him and wished him luck. When I got to the office the next day, my entire desk was filled with apples.

My fondest memories are the special cargoes we have transported, from a circus elephant to a 13-meter Lego boat. Every day is different; I keep experiencing something new, even after 25 years.