New agreement with Maimburg Servicecenter A/S in Fredericia, Denmark
As per 1 April 2023 we started a strategic agreement with Maimburg Servicecenter A/S in Fredericia, Denmark.
Maimburg will act as our trailer rental depot and can also take care of maintenance and repair.
This means we can now rent out trailers on Danish registration plates.
For further information regarding short- or long-term rental options please contact Heisterkamp Trailer Rental.
Berre Zinkweg, Sales Manager
Phone: +31 6 551 542 55

Here below please find the details of our trailer rental depot in Denmark:
Heisterkamp Trailer Rental
c/o Maimburg Servicecenter A/S
Eske Hedegårdsvej 2
DK-7000 Fredericia